Furnished Housing

Teacher housings are located in Hawalli and Salmiya.

  • Hawalli 1 is across the street from the Boys’ Campus and has 18 apartments.
  • The Creativity Building (Hawalli 5) has 77 apartments, a swimming pool, gym, and is within walking distance of shopping complexes.
  • Hawalli 6 is within walking distance of the Boys’ Campus and has 28 apartments.
  • Hawalli 9 has 32 apartments and is behind Beirut Complex (shopping center) and across the street from Dar Al Shifaa (one of the hospitals that your insurance covers).
  • Salmiya Housing is across the street from ACA Salmiya and has 19 apartments.

All apartment complexes have 24-hour security.

The apartments are connected to local channels and Arab satellite television, which includes a variety of English channels (BBC, CNN, etc.). Additional satellite capabilities are available for a monetary amount from a local distributor based upon the number of selected channels and pre-packaged options. The additional satellite options would be the responsibility of the tenant if desired.

Basic internet is available at the apartment complexes. High-speed internet access is available at a fee contingent upon the package chosen.  

Daily transportation for staff living in school housing is provided via two buses. One bus per campus leaves in the morning for the ten-minute ride to campus. The two buses return in the afternoon to the housing complex, one bus immediately following staff dismissal and another bus approximately two hours later. Specialty trips for staff in school housing can be arranged with the approval of school administration before the planned date of the trip. Bus departures are adjusted according to the school day dismissal times and after-school faculty meetings.