There are five libraries throughout our campuses. All students from KG through to Grade 12 has access to their respective library. The kindergarten and elementary classes have regularly scheduled library times, while students in the middle and high schools attend at their teachers’ discretion and on an individual basis, in their free time. Many classes make use of the library computers and reference collection for the completion of research projects.
The total ACA library collection contains over 40,000 titles with 76,000 copies, including books, e-books, audio books, periodicals, audiovisual materials, and professional resources.
Students are welcome to use the library before and after school, as well as throughout the day. Librarians and library assistants are available to assist teachers and students during these times. The library catalog is online and students/teachers/guests can access the resources from outside the campus. Patrons can use the library program from home to search our catalog to know what titles, authors, subjects, etc., are available. Also, students and teachers can use WebPath Express and EBSCO databases for information that cannot found in the ACA library collection.
In addition, we have now two new stars in our library technology:
- Follett Shelf: is a virtual bookshelf of all the e-books ACA has in its collection. Students and teachers can read the e-books online, or download to read later.
- Brytewave K-12: is a downloadable app that allows students and teachers to access and read ACA e-books checked out from Follett Shelf. The app is available for both Apple and Android devices.
You can reach the library catalog, Brytewave, and Follett Shelf from the library website.